IEC Grievance Redressal Form
Code of Conduct and Norms for Invigilators
The conduct of examinations in a smooth and disciplined manner will pave the way for overall discipline in the college. All the staff are reminded of the following code of conduct during university examinations and they are earnestly requested to cooperate and help the administration in smooth and effective conduction of examinations. Some of the points appear to be very simple but they are likely to become big issues at times if proper care is not taken. Negligence or noncompliance of code of conduct invites criticism and repercussions.Invigilation is more important than any other academic activity. The examinations cannot start at scheduled time, without invigilators. Abstaining and reporting late to the invigilation work amounts to dereliction of duty.
The invigilators shall be in the examination hall at least 20 minutes before the examination time and the students are expected to be in the halls 15 minutes before. At least 5 minutes time gap is necessary for the invigilators to know the seating plan and to guide the students to settle in their allotted seats.
The invigilators are requested to maintain norms by not carrying textbooks and other personal material to examination hall.
The invigilators are requested to keep on moving and watching the students carefully in the examination hall without sitting at one place, to prevent copying.
The invigilators shall desist from using the cell phones and talking in the examination hall to avoid inconvenience to the students.
Use of cell phones and i-Pods are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
It is always better to prevent copying rather than finding fault while copying.
The staff shall report to the invigilation duty after adjusting the class work if any.
The invigilation work shall be adjusted to any staff of the same cadre under unavoidable circumstances with intimation to H.O.D and examination branch.
Invigilators should duly announce the following points in the Examination Hall.
Students are required to verify the total number of pages in the answer booklet. If the answer booklet is found to be defective, ask the invigilator for replacement of the defective booklet within first five minutes. Once if the student starts writing on the booklet, it will not be replaced.
Students are required to verify the question paper whether all the questions are printed visibly or not. If any issues related to printing and visibility of the question paper, ask for the replacement immediately.